All payments are due no later than 24 hours after booking in order to keep a scheduled appointment (Invoicing done via PayPal). All readings are One On One, there is an additional fee to add someone to your reading (except for Therapeutic Mediumship)
This is a very in-depth reading, pertaining to questions such as “What am i doing in this life?” “What lesson’s did i come here to learn?” “What is my purpose”. This service is two separate appointments, the first appointment is 20min to go over the questions you have (3 questions max). The second appointment is for what Isabella receives about your questions - $400
Gain insight and information on what direction or path your Soul should take. This will not incorporate traditional mediumship. - 45min/$300
This service is for clients who have struggled with unresolved issues with loved ones who have transitioned. We will delve deeply into providing resolution or answers between you and your loved one in Spirit. Consider this a family therapy session. Because of the intense nature of this service, appointments will be broken up into one 50min session which will allow you to process information and one 40min session for any follow-up questions or concerns you might have in a supportive therapeutic setting - 90min/$500
By law, Isabella Johnson- The Soul Reading Medium is obligated to inform you that our services are for entertainment purposes only. The services provided, shall not be construed as medical, financial or psychological advice or form of treatment. Please seek medical, financial or psychological help by a professional. When purchasing a service from Isabella Johnson- The Soul Reading Medium, you understand the results are not guaranteed. You agree you will not hold Isabella Johnson- The Soul Reading Medium liable for any damages that may arise.